Rebecca is a member of dog rescue advocate Rocky Kanaka’s “Sitting with Dogs” YouTube channel, and when the Boxer, “Sinatra” with the “sad eyes looking out from the cone”, appeared in the video, Rebecca admits she was a goner.

In the video, Rocky talked about how Sinatra was recently out of surgery and while getting neutered, the vet discovered several tumors which were surgically removed. Rocky decided on the spot to do a fundraiser for Sinatra so Sinatra could receive all the diagnostic tests necessary for a senior health check. Rocky’s subscribers came through and Sinatra was able to get the necessary care. Rebecca was not discouraged by Sinatra’s medical history, because she understood that Boxers are often prone to mast cell tumors, so she immediately made an appointment to make the long drive down to Southern California and meet the sweet boy.
When Rebecca arrived at the shelter, she noted most of the other dogs were barking, but not Sinatra. In the play area he calmly looked around, but as soon as Rebecca got down to his level and called him he went right to her for a treat and a snuggle.

At home, Sinatra, now called Marlowe, made himself at home right away. “He’s an expert at reading human cues,” said Rebecca, “he immediately figured out which furniture he’s allowed on and what’s off limits. He’s a big, playful cuddle bug who loves getting neck and ear rubs, and tossing toys around. He’s also known to give his own mirrored reflection a surly talking to. But when it’s bedtime, he follows orders and practically marches to his bed and “Boxer-beans” himself in it.

Rebecca says she now can’t wait to get home “and see that ecstatic little face when I open the door.” She quotes a favorite passage from Animals and Other People by Louis Bromfield: “I have always made friends with dogs…but the Boxer is different from them all. He is stubborn and gay and comical. He may be devoted to you but never in a worshipful way. He knows your faults and accepts them. He is not a pet. He is a companion and friend and equal.”